

An Interview with Jill Wood (Citizen Scientist, Co-Founder and Treasurer, Jonah’s Just Begun (JJB) and CEO Phoenix Nest)

(full disclosure: Sean Ekins is CSO at Phoenix Nest and consults with JJB as well as the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation and Hannah’s Hope Foundation).

SE: Today I am happy to introduce Jill Wood. Jill, can you please tell us a bit about your background and what you do?


JW: I graduated from Oregon State University with a […]

By | September 4th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on An Interview with Jill Wood (Citizen Scientist, Co-Founder and Treasurer, Jonah’s Just Begun (JJB) and CEO Phoenix Nest)

Winning by a knock out, a mouse model for Sanfilippo type D.

The route to helping flnd treatments for one disease may beneflt by helping research in another disease. We are taking this altruistic approach and recently submitted a winning project proposal for Sanfllippo Syndrome D which will not only beneflt research in this disease but also the other 3 subtypes A, B and C.

Sanfllippo Syndrome […]

By | August 30th, 2013|News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Winning by a knock out, a mouse model for Sanfilippo type D.