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Tomorrow is Our Chance

images-1I KNOW! We are excited too.  If we can raise $10,000 tomorrow, #GivingTuesday, we will get a DOUBLE MATCHING donation of $20,000.  On top of that, the charity that raises the most will get a $25,000 donation from Crowdrise.


Please give what you can tomorrow, and urge your friends, family, co-workers, mailman, crossing guard, and old high school boyfriend to give also.  If we can get 500 people to donate $20 each, we could make that goal.  We have about 1,200 people on our mailing list, so that doesn’t seem so hard, now does it? 
Now more than ever the burden of raising funding for our research falls on the families of children with Sanfilippo Syndrome.
Thanks to #GivingTuesday we have the chance to make all our donations count even more.
Now remember, in order to count toward our $10,000 goal, all donations must be made tomorrow, #GivingTuesday.   Please share this post by clicking on the social media icons at the top.

Let’s make this a #GivingTuesday to remember.

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